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Shuren walking in front of the fight against Ebola
Author:      Source:      date:2014-11-19

    This year, Guinea, Libya, Sierra Leone and other West African countries have the outbreak of the Ebola epidemic, a serious threat to the health and safety of the local people. The Chinese government rapid response, emergency rescue, to the African countries and the international organization provides multi batch of humanitarian aid, reflecting the African people sharing weal and woe and weal of brotherhood.
Shuren group involved in the fight against Ebola virus, after 15 days of fighting, Shuren group within the shortest possible time will fight against Ebola virus in Africa activities of the board the first batch of goods and materials were duly shipped! Our Shuren group successfully completed the fight against Ebola virus treatment center Chinese government aided all activities of the real! The tree shows the wisdom of the collective group with everyone hard tree. Forge ahead. Thanks to everyone, thank you for all the people! Again, we use action to prove the ents team is constantly team created a miracle!

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